Tuesday 26 July 2011

Mars God of War

How the planet brought about much literary inspiration?

You can see the baron, rocky surface that
seems as if it could harbour no life.
Cultures across the globe have for years depicted the planet Mars as violent. There born was its reputation of being association with war. This association was so real it inspired award winning author, H. G Wells to write his majourly successful science-fiction novel about it in 1898. In those days science-fiction barely existed. So the fact that when it did the alien villains were Martians says something significant about the way we saw Mars, even then. Since that first appearance there have been many similar books, films and plays that's plot revolved similarly around the planet's evil.
        For astronomers the planet may symbolise something else. It symbolises a step we may be able to make within our lifetimes. Mars may be the first planet, other than our home, that humans will ever set foot on. So do astronomers see it as more of a friendly, hopeful figure or do they see deeper into this mythical name? Where does this association arouse from? Is it the harsh temperatures of up to 200 degrees Farenheit? The landscape is baron and dry showing the scars of old volcanoes. Much like an old battlefield, in a way. Scientists can observe how the planet was once alive with volcanic activity. Is Mars a dead hero? Scientists believe that one day in the future we could alter the conditions on the planet in order for it to harbour life. 
          And what exactly is the legend that is the namesake? Mars is from Roman mythology, often equated with the Greek god Ares. He was the second most important God (after Jupiter) and the most prominent of all the military Gods. Roman legionaries often worshipped him. Whereas the Greeks saw him as a dangerous, loathsome characters. He is often depicted in battle with Fuga and Timor the personifications of flight and fear.  His twin sons Romulus and Remus were the founders of Rome. It is said that earlier on he was associated with farming, agriculture and protection of cattle; but this soon dissipated into his new image. 

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